vrijdag 7 oktober 2011

Chapter 8: Pretzel Confessions

“Fred, where are we going? And what about George and…” “Don’t worry, they won’t miss us.” Okay. What’s going on here? Arhg, how I hate it when people are acting mysterious like  this. Fred’s leading me through the corridors. “Okay, fine, be all mysterious, but please tell me where we are going!” I think you can tell I’m quite annoyed. “Shh, we’re almost there.” Meanwhile we’ve already reached the library. Fred picks the lock and we walk in. “Okay, the library? What are we going to do here.” “Just wait.” Fred walks to the end, where stairs are leading to the top floor, the Astronomy classroom. Fred leads me upstairs, where he opens the hole in the roof. He grabs the ladder. “After you.” I walk upstairs and onto the roof. It’s a bright night and I can see stars twinkle. It’s also quite cold. “Here.” Fred hands me his black coat. I look at him in a ‘what are you doing’ way, but accept his coat and pull it on. “Thanks. Now, what’s going on? Why did you brought me here?” Fred looks down. He seems to be very uncomfortable. “Okay, please listen. Remember this morning, when I didn’t told you the first part? The part about something what Peeves said?” “Yes, of course.” “Well, I didn’t tell you about it because… because it’s quite complicated. And it’s also the main reason why we avoided you and Lotte.” I sigh. “You’re avoiding the point once again.” “Sorry. It’s just… I don’t know where to begin.” Okay, even though he’s kinda cute right  now with all the insecurity (I haven’t seen this side of him before), this is starting to get annoying. “Maybe at the beginning?” “Right. Sorry. I’m annoying you, aren’t I?” No, really. “Yes.” “Sorry.” “And stop apologizing.” I say while giving him a pat on his shoulder, trying to make him feel a bit more comfortable.  “Right. Sorry.” Is it wrong that I have to laugh right now? “No, but seriously, go on with your story.” “I haven’t even started yet.” Okay, he’s back again. “Okay, so, Peeves told us something. Something about pretzels.” Oh god no, he got to be kidding me. “Okay, and why are pretzels so special?” I try to ask as nonchalant as possible.  “Well, Peeves heard some individuals say that Pretzels are funny, and handsome. I believe  also adorable.” “Don’t forget to mention sweet.” I say. I’m already busted anyway, so why don’t play the game? “Ah, so you confess?” “I don’t confess anything.” We both smile. “Okay, go on.” “Well, then Peeves asked if we shouldn’t do something.” “And what did you say?” “George and I said we would do something, but we didn’t need Peeves’ help.” “I see.
And what would you do?” “What I’m doing right now.” “And that is?” “Telling the girl who likes Pretzels that Pretzels also likes her.” He didn’t just say what I think he said, did he? Oh dear, here come the butterflies. “Oh really? And what does this Pretzel like so much about this girl?” And now he’s uncomfortable again. Oh, feelings can be so weird. “Well, she’s funny, and smart. She’s also a kind of crazy, in a cute way. Oh, and I shouldn’t forget to mention she’s beautiful.” I giggle. Even though I’m confident of how I look (unlike other girls I’m happy the way I am) I love to get compliments like this. “So…” “So what?” I ask. He looks at me. There’s a twinkling in his eyes I’ve never seen before. Not to mention he’s got very beautiful eyes. I stare into his eyes for what seems to be a long time, not knowing what to say, and Fred… Well, he just does the same. Though just seconds later, he comes closer, and he kisses me. His soft lips are pressed on mine, I can feel the warmth of his body. I don’t wanna let go of this moment, but too fast, it’s over. We stare into each other’s eyes again. I smirk. “You know, this is just a bit weird. I mean, we used to be best friends and all.” “Yeah, I know what you mean.” “At least the rumors have become the truth now.” “What rumors?” “Well, rumors about me and you, Lotte and George.” “There are rumors about that?” “Yeah, of course. A boy and a girl can’t be just best friends. No, they’re probably dating in secret.” Fred grins. “I see.”
            “So… Is there also something going on between Lotte and George?” I ask “Oh, yeah. Why do you think we let them alone?” Now it’s my time to grin. “By the way, adorable? I’m everything but adorable.”

“I swear, it was the most adorable thing ever.” I sit down on my bed, and so does Lotte. We just told each other the stories of tonight. “Totally. But can you imagine that Peeves heard us talking? It’s so weird, we didn’t even notice him.” “Well, he still is a ghost and he’s used to do things like this.” “True.” “Though in fact, we have to thank Peeves. I mean, our best friends just turned into our boyfriends.” Lotte smirks.
            “Hey guys, I haven’t seen you all night. Where the hell were you?” Alice in Wonderland Liz walks in, followed by Kayleigh, Kyra and Chantal. “Yeah, I mean, I’ve seen you like, 5 minutes or so.” “Well, it was our plan at first to hang around, but my date took me upstairs to the roof.” “And my date took me outside to the lake.” The four girls look confused. “But… I thought… Your dates we’re the twins, right?” Kyra has lost it. “Yep.” Lotte and I answer. They all think about it, and after a few seconds, Liz starts to jump around, squealing like a little girl who just got a real life my-little-pony. “Is it what I think it is?” Lotte and I look at each other, now also a bit confused. “Depends on what you think it is.” Lotte answers. “Seriously Irmoesss, can it be more vague?” “Yeah, shush Kyp. Is there something going on between you and the twins?” “Is there something going on between you and the Mad Hatter?” I say, teasing Liz. “Oi!” Irmoesss yells while she hits me. “We’re just friends!” “Ouch, sorry. I was only teasing you.” “Yeah, well, it’s quite annoying if people keep on thinking you can’t be just friends with a guy.” Thank you Liz. “We know the feeling.” Lotte and I both say. “You still didn’t answer Irmoesss’ question.” Chantal points out. “Yeah, is there really something going on or not?” Kyra says, while she sits down on the ground. “Well, maybe.” “Okay, sometimes it’s quite annoying if you both say the same thing at the same time.” “Sorry Dawa.” “Totally when it’s something vague like ‘maybe’.” “Well, Kyp, in fact, ‘maybe’ is not that vague in this kind of conversations. In this way, it means ‘yes’.” “Irmoesss, you’re annoying.” Liz grabs Kyra’s hair, and Kyra does the same as an answer. Kayleigh sigs. “You know, I have to watch this, like, twice a week. Sometimes I wonder why they’re my roommates.” Liz hits Kayleigh with her free hand. “Maybe because I have the Dalek alarm clock with the sonic screwdriver.” “In fact, that’s mine.” “Oh, right. Kyp, let go!” “Nah, you first.” “If you two do not let go of each other’s hair, I’m gonna get the scissors.” “You wouldn’t do that, Dawa, you’re too sweet.” “Well… Okay, yeah, that’s true. But Chantal isn’t.” Liz and Kyra don’t know how fast they have to let go. Chantal almost cut their hair once before. “Okay, are you guys done?” I ask. “Not yet.” Liz says, and she hits Kyra. “Hey!” “Okay, now I’m done. Well, was I right or not?” Both Lotte and I sigh. We know we can’t hide things like this for our friends. “Okay, yeah, there’s something going on between me and George.” “And between me and Fred.” “Ha, I knew it!” Liz starts dancing a sort of victory dance. “Really?” Kayleigh asks, to check if we’re not just saying it to please Liz. “Yep.” “Big yes.” 

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