zondag 18 september 2011

What if our teachers got replaced by Harry Potter characters?

Okay, so here I'm going to post my new fanfic. It does not have an offical title yet, so ideas are welcome. Anyway, it's about how my school/life would be like if the teachers of my school got replaced by Harry Potter characters. I'll start with posting the prologue called "A little introduction". But first, a little disclaimer.

I do not own any of the characters. The most of them are created by J.K. Rowling and a few others are from the BBC serie Doctor Who. Also, there will  be some quotes from Harry Potter or Doctor Who or some other series, and this I also do not own. Everything on here is based on the Harry Potter books and a few tv-series, mixed with my own life and my imagination. No seriously, my mind is one big bowl of wibbly wobbly, cracky wacky, stuff. And that was a Doctor Who quote (well, partly rewritten) so I do now own that sentence.

Well, here we go. I hope you like it.

Ps. I'm still a Dutch girl and am not the best in English, so if you find any mistake, please tell me.

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